Farie frozen in metal..


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2008
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North Alabama
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Let me know what you think.

I know I need to make another watermark for the left side of the image rather than the right side. But currently with smugmug I just have it putting that one on them for the time being.
nice, interesting subject
i like the dof and positioning :)
I agree 100% with wooj. Very creepy subject. I love it. Nice eye.

I think the problem is that the subject isn't enough to keep you from noticing the swingset and such in the background, even though you did a good job of throwing it out of focus.

BTW, it also appears that your WB is off slightly, but that may have been intentional to go with the browns of the rust and such.
I agree 100% with wooj. Very creepy subject. I love it. Nice eye.

I think the problem is that the subject isn't enough to keep you from noticing the swingset and such in the background, even though you did a good job of throwing it out of focus.

BTW, it also appears that your WB is off slightly, but that may have been intentional to go with the browns of the rust and such.

Yea, It has a little bit of a warmer tone to it.

With the background, I think it works a little bit.. because you lock onto the Fairy [I just realized I spelled it wrong in the title.. haha].. then you look around the image to check the rest of it out.

That was actually me going down lower to get a different perspective on it.

Another picture from that day is this one.


It has a "cooler" feel to it.

I thought the little figure was pretty cool looking... and had never noticed it at my brothers house before.

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