Hertz van Rental
We're supposed to post photos?
I'm sure we all have our favourite aphorisms...
I'll wait whilst you look it up.
OK? Right.
Being my favourites these are not quite the usual type, but they amuse me.
You can all add your own.
Psychology is like pulling habits out of a rat.
Getting things done around here is like mating elephants -
It's carried out at a high level.
It's accompanied by a lot of noise.
It takes two years to produce a result.
They said 'cheer up, it could be worse.'
So I did...
...and it was.
I'll wait whilst you look it up.
OK? Right.
Being my favourites these are not quite the usual type, but they amuse me.
You can all add your own.
Psychology is like pulling habits out of a rat.
Getting things done around here is like mating elephants -
It's carried out at a high level.
It's accompanied by a lot of noise.
It takes two years to produce a result.
They said 'cheer up, it could be worse.'
So I did...
...and it was.