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TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2006
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Milwaukee, WI
Can others edit my Photos
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Hey All... I'm looking into my first dSLR (Nikon D50) and I wanted to get some filters. I was a bit surprised how many different filters are available so I was wondering if anyone knew of a site that explained the different types and showed examples of them in use. Maybe a pic filtered/unfiltered... you get the idea.

Any ideas?

Also along these same lines... any filters you'd recommend as a 1st buy? I use a polarizing filter via adapter on my P&S cam so I figured that would be the first one.
I use a polarizing filter via adapter on my P&S cam so I figured that would be the first one.

First, and really the only one you need. Just about every other filter can be duplicated with image software. The difference being that with software you have almost unlimited flexibility as to the degree of filter effects and combinations.

While there is something to be said about getting the shot "in the camera" will be shooting with a DSLR...learn to use the digital darkroom.

A lot of people use UV filters on their lenses...for protection.

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