Finally! Studio Space!


Watch the Birdy!
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Jul 8, 2005
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Victoria, BC
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Some of you may remember my questions regarding a studio share a few weeks back. That didn't work out for several reasons, but today? Pay-dirt.

Okay, it can't hold a patch on Kristal's new set-up, BUT I've finally located [shared] studio space, only five minutes from my house. It's a yoga/fitness studio with a 15x40 main room, bamboo floors, plain very light yellow walls, four big south-west-facing windows, three big skylights, great washroom & changing facilities, spotlessly clean, a million electric outlets, and the best part? It's only $20/hour and free almost all day Saturday & Sunday, the main days I would want it.

I dunno- sounds pretty freaking awesome to me! Way to go!!
It still means toting my gear back and forth, but for that price, I can live with it.
Nice! Sounds like a great place to shoot! Looking forward to seeing the shots you take there!
YAY!! Anticipating some great pics!
Bamboo floor? That would be awesome!
Thanks everyone! Unfortunately, my schedule for this weekend is already full, but I will be in there next weekend for sure!
Plus, when it's being used for Yoga, you can make friends with girls in yoga pants. :lol:

Sounds very cool. You should ask if you can put in a locker/cabinet (with lock) to keep some gear on-site.
Congrats, looks to be a great deal and no commitment on your part. I like Mike's idea...the girls in yoga pants idea that is.
Plus, when it's being used for Yoga, you can make friends with girls in yoga pants. :lol:

Sounds very cool. You should ask if you can put in a locker/cabinet (with lock) to keep some gear on-site.
We've already discussed doing staff shots for their website... I'm going to see how things go for a while first, but yeah, I'd love to be able to keep a few light stands and stuff on-site.

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