Fine Art America??


TPF Noob!
Jun 15, 2011
Reaction score
Farmington Hills, MI
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I use them, actually, They fill the orders for you unless you select not to and are selling original artwork.

You can choose the price you want for your print and you get all of that money, then you are paid a commission if the customer upgrades to matting and framing

You have to know how to play the game to get your artwork to show higher on keyword searches and you are competing with 45,000 other artists.

But it is a good company
Oh, one other hint, You can sell greeting cards which is great, I sell a lot. But only sell in the 10 or 25 packs not single cards.
People buy them (1) and then scan them for larger prints
Hmm...okay, thanks. =) I'm nowhere near ready to sell anything at this point...just learning. But I just saw something about this website today and wondered if it was legit. I'll have to file that away for the future. Thanks!

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