First HDR Photo


TPF Noob!
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey I just wanted to see what people thought of my first HDR Photo. Unfortunately I forgot to turn up my ISO when I took these so I don't think it picked up enough light from the star projector to get proper trails. Thank you for looking.
Well, the first one is actually pretty cool to me. I like the cool purples and blues.

Make your bed and shoot again! oh, and the desk lamp is a distraction as well. But the purples and blues are nice.

The second one, HDR really isn't necessary and the subject is not very interesting. Image is a bit underexposed as well.
Thanks a lot I definitely should have cleaned up the first pic a bit. Unfortunately I edited these on a new laptop and I didn't think to calibrate the monitor so they didn't come out the way I expected which is why they are underexposed. I'm gonna try to re edit both of them so they aren't as underexposed.
Here is a hopefully better exposed version of the first picture.

i think the first shot needs a girl in her underwear. Just a suggestion. :lol:

Not too bad but you processed them just a bit too much and got some halos. Not horrible ones like in the 2nd edit you did there but that was obviously to be over the top. In the first shot is doesnt really ruin anything since the halo is from the lamp and gives it a slight extra glow. Now it is more of an issue in the second shot because it is more distracting.

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