First model shoot in 2 years still a little rusty


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction score
denver co
Can others edit my Photos
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CC welcome
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shot with alien bees and the 5d mark3
Maybe there is a different pic from the set people might think is better? Let me know
To see the full set please visit Natalya -Model, Fashion and Glamour photography in Denver





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Don't forget to keep the studio lights up! ;) Okay... a'splain me your lighting for the first one please.
I am not liking the catch lights. The nose ring made her nose look funny on #3&4 from that angle.
Don't forget to keep the studio lights up! ;) Okay... a'splain me your lighting for the first one please.

Looks like a light source on each side of the lens provide an odd catchlight and really flat lighting with no shadows defining shape...
Don't forget to keep the studio lights up! ;) Okay... a'splain me your lighting for the first one please.

Looks like a light source on each side of the lens provide an odd catchlight and really flat lighting with no shadows defining shape...
I get that, I was curious as to the reason the OP chose to light like that.
The full set shows pretty consistent harsh hair shadows across her forehead. Add to that the dual catch lights, tells me the lighting setup was more of a cross lighting rather than a Main and Fill setup. The lights are in conflict with each other instead of complimenting, even though you have a good ratio from one side of the face to the other in most of the images. Quite possibly the lights are too far away from the model or the modifier needs to be larger.

BTW, the red outfit is H-A-W-T!
The full set shows pretty consistent harsh hair shadows across her forehead. Add to that the dual catch lights, tells me the lighting setup was more of a cross lighting rather than a Main and Fill setup. The lights are in conflict with each other instead of complimenting, even though you have a good ratio from one side of the face to the other in most of the images. Quite possibly the lights are too far away from the model or the modifier needs to be larger.

BTW, the red outfit is H-A-W-T!
this is the case 36 umbrella soft box and beauty dish 2 alien 800's which would you guys recommend as a main i also have a couple of 30in umbrellas
the first image i agree is a little strange but i like it any way
damn the rules!
should be able to edit your own. in the list view of threads, double click just to the side of the thread title and you can edit it. depends what the edit title timer is set to at least.
should be able to edit your own. in the list view of threads, double click just to the side of the thread title and you can edit it. depends what the edit title timer is set to at least.

or just click the link in the OP and check um out there
Maybe a bit of skin smoothing.
It's a kind of a Martin Schoeller look.

I like the second picture quite a lot.

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