Terms and Conditions - that's fine to copy

... but mine refers to finding the more detailed terms on my "BUY" pages.
You don't have a "BUY" page so you might want to remove that part.
The terms text is also very hard to read - again because of the background photo.
There are a number of possible solutions:
eg add a "footer content block" to your homepage and add the text to that block.
eg add a "text content block" to your homepage and add the text to that
Although that MAY frighten off potential customers with all the "legalese" on the first page? That's why I put a brief message on each page's footer and the expanded version on the BUY pages that I have.
note: content blocks are mentioned later in this post
I think the home page is a little too static at the moment.
You could think about adding a slideshow there or some blocks of text with a welcoming message.
Watermarking and Printing Dilemma:
First off you need to have a Portfolio or Business account to get customised watermarks
If you have one of those AND you want to sell prints, DO NOT put your watermark on your uploads.
If you do, then buyers will have your watermark on their prints - liable to upset most.
What you do is create a watermark as a png file.
Upload that png file to your Smugmug folder - this is never visible to visitors.
It is just to keep your site images.
You can
then turn that into a watermark that can be added to your DISPLAY images
You can specify where it will be placed on the display images and what transparency you want it to be
Note: Smugmug NEVER applies it to the ORIGINAL upload image. This is why is it VITAL that you do not allow visitors to see your original, high res images (see "2" below)
So you then upload your high res images to a particular gallery.
1) In the gallery settings, you turn on watermarks and then select the watermark you created.
The watermark will then appear on your display sizes - but it will NEVER be applied to your original.
Smugmug only uses the original for printing - not any of the other generated sizes that appear on your website.
2) Set your "maximum display size" to something LESS than "original". At the moment you have it set to 3XL - and that is fine if you want visitors to see your photos in all their glory on large screens. But it also means those same visitors will get a pretty big screenshot (but now it will also have your watermark on it).
So there is no "correct" size to choose (just DON'T allow Original - unless you want people to download your images for themselves and no sale to you).
Me? I set mine at XL.
Why? It is a bit of a compromise between seeing a decent size and not being too big for screen shotting.
Also according to my stats, around 60-70% of my image views are from people on small screens (smartphones and tables). Of the desktop viewers, there are only a minority who are using big screens that can take advantage of 3XL size
Creating and "About Me" Page
Click on "Organise" when logged in (top of screen)
Click on "Create" in Organizer and select page
Fill in the name you want to call it etc
You should get taken back to that page - which is likely to be blank
Then go to Customise > Content and Design
On the right hand sidebar is a list of "Content Blocks" that you can add to a page
So if you want to display a photo, you would drag a "photo content block" onto your page.
You might want that to show a photo of yourself
You can also drag a "text content block" onto the page and enter the text you want to appear on your "About Me" page
The standard content block has limited edited capabilities, so people who know some css/html code would add a "HTML content block" intsead. Then using code you can make your text styled to suit you.
Again the users on the DGrin forum are awesome and will definately help anyone who asks.
The support staff and volunteers/users are a BIG BIG plus in getting your site exactly how you want it.
Content blocks can be moved around, sized blah blah blah
You build up pages with content blocks.
Once you have an "About Me" page set up, you can then add a link to it on your menu bar.
One of the great things about the New Smugmug, is that it is very easy to add links to menu bars and to create multi-level menus (cascading) - once you learn the steps, it is very easy.
I would always have a
HOME button - just as an "anchor" point and a get-out-of-jail-card for visitors. Again, if your home page was a little more dynamic or info rich it would allow visitors to quickly recheck info.
I used to have my homepage with a a different folder for every one of the different sports I shoot. The problem was that the number of sports got too big so people had to scroll about looking for the sport they were interested in.
So I got rid of them all - on my homepage, and created a multi-level menu system for people to use for navigation. I still wanted a "landing" page and I wanted it so that my footer was visible without scrolling - so that they see my message about copyright.
I created a random slideshow and sized it so that my header/menu/slideshow/footer were visible on one screen.
Another thing I did not check with your site, was how it looks on different devices and screen sizes.
Smugmug has a setting to allow your website to be responsive to mobile devices (called "stretchy")
You can use this website to simulate what your website looks like on a variety of devices/screen sizes.
You just enter your web address and then select the device and/or screen size
Screenfly / Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions
I can't emphasise enough that if you decide to go with Smugmug, use the DGrin forum to ask for help.
Just describe the problem or what you want to achieve, and the amazing users or staff will help you the whole way. There are some amazing people there.
I visit that forum (and THIS one) every day. I often come across a solution to a problem I didn't even know I had!!!