First Pics with New AB 800's!!!! (NOT WORK SAFE!!)


TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Laurel, Mississippi USA
Can others edit my Photos
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Ok..thats it for hope you enjoyed them! Please add any comments or suggestions you might have.

You put those lights to good use!
Love the clarity of her eyes in #2 :thumbup:

The left hand in #1 is pretty distracting after I look at it for a minute.
they look good, sharp as a tack...

Have to agree with woodsac about the hand in #1, it distracted me too. Would have been nice to see a bit of light on the hair outline also

a Shorter DOF on #3 would have worked well IMO
I think I would like #1 best... except that hand... but great tones in it and pose.
#2 looks good, a tip maybe have her open her lips just a tad. It just ads something. wet hair would be nice too, but it looks great and sharp.
#3 I really like. I do agree with your fix though, brings more attention to the eyes and face. Nice work.
#4 looks alittle flat... by that I dont mean the colors or contrast. Im talking about the puffy blanket on the bed. she looks like shes sinking into it or something (IMO). try a board under the blanket so shes not so sunk in or shoot on a table made up like a bed. other than that I like the pose and the hair.
All in all they look good! keep it up!
the fix on #3 looks great, definate improvement, but i would be tempted to add a little more blur, just to the legs.
I agree about the DOF fix on #3, but I'd bring it up even further, to keep the focus on her face, as opposed to er...other places...
It looks like you're having fun with the new lights! These are really nice shots. There are a couple of things that I noticed:

In #2, she's leaning into the crop. Unless there's a specific reason to do otherwise, I tend to prefer it when the subject leans into the image rather than out. Moving the left crop in or shifting her right in the frame would look more balanced for me. You have some nice even and smooth lighting on her without the deadness of straight on light.

In #3 the relative size distortion of the wide angle lens distracts me. That's another one I don't care for unless there's a specific reason for it. It tends to come of as comical. Her head is too big compared to the size of her legs. It's not drastic, but enough for me to notice. Adding blur exagerates that for me and makes her look even more stretched out. But like I said, it's not over the top.

All four look a touch "dull". In the first one, the white point is off. This means that the white in the image is grey, there's no true white. You don't always need a true white in the final image, but it there's actually white in the scene, it's usually a good idea. Otherwise it can look a little flat. When you do this though, it reveals something else: I think the highlights on her skin are a touch overexposed. Once the whitepoint is set correctly, you lose the smooth tone and the highlights become harsh.

In the other three, the black looks a little dull. The black point is set so that there's no true black in the scene. You can see both cases and fix them with a levels adjustement. There also seems to be a slight red cast in the color images. It's easier to notice in #2. In #3, the white is neutral, but only because it's blown out, but I can see it in her face. If you put the eyedropper in the shadow, where it should be grey (if those actually are white sheets), you get a reading of something like 236/222/222 (R/G/B). Neutral would be 222/222/222, or at least close to the same number. Going with what looks good is more important than the numbers. I found that a slight shift from red to cyan removes the cast and is more pleasing to my eye. Sometimes I like a warmer look, but not so much with all the white and her pale skin. Let me know if you'd like me to post and edit as an example.

Great stuff! :D

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