TPF Noob!
Thought I’d show some shots I took at Fairford Airshow last Saturday, I had some help from people here, which I’m very grateful for. I used a Olympus OM-1 with 100-200mm zoom lens. I’d been practising on Concorde and decided I was going set shutter speed to 1/250 and adjust aperture until the exposure meter looked level. Focusing was difficult as my focusing screen is optimised for night time but I think I did ok. I took 4 rolls and have only been able to develop one..i’ll get the rest done on payday!
L39 Albatros
Phantom F4
This next one of The Red Arrows was taken by my wife with a £40 1.3MP camera. I think it looks pretty nice considering the equipment.
L39 Albatros


Phantom F4

This next one of The Red Arrows was taken by my wife with a £40 1.3MP camera. I think it looks pretty nice considering the equipment.