From a Helo Trip Around The Island of O'ahu


TPF Noob!
Mar 12, 2024
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Waikiki Beach.webp
Forgot to mention I took with me a much newer body and my oldest 1D body, the crusty yet trusty MKIIN to see what the differences would be between the two. Turns out not much after post processing in PS 2024.

Turns out I had to strap both bodies securely around my neck because the pilot wanted to make sure none of my gear would fall out of the open doorway and fatally damage the tail rotor.
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Thanks for the kind words Jeff15. As I recall I was not quite done with the trip when I realized I was about to fill up the CF cards on both of my cameras and there was about 10 more minutes of flying time so I ended up taking half the number of shots I wanted thereafter, especially during the approach and landing phase. I had the spare cards tucked in my camera bag that I couldn't bring on board the 'copter because it was considered an unsecured safety risk and I forgot to take them out before I stored the bag back in my car. Oh well lesson learned. My spare CF cards are now stored in my shorts or pant pockets wherever I go.
Great shots. I spent 6 years there, living back in the mountains near the Pali Falls.
Thank you KJ_North.

joelbolden, I hope you have many happy returns to Hawaii.

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