Geese in Rockton Spillway


TPF Noob!
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Rockton, Illinois
Did a little post processing with PS7.
Do the colors seem too burned?


1 second exposure

As aways, Olympus Camedia 3.3 point and shoot.

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Amazing shot. The Geese are really sharp for being a 1-second exposure. You did good.
When I went to the spillway, it was on the intention of getting long exposures with my camera, just to see what its limitations were. When I saw the geese I was ticked off at first as I knew that they would show motion in the shot. But these geese stood in one spot for a long time, letting whatever they were feeding on, to come to them. They just stuck their head under the fast flowing water and waited for dinner. I do not know if they are there every night but I plan on going back real soon (it's less than a mile away). Good place to catch catfish.
When I do go back I plan on wearing a pair of my crummy shoes and shorts and will walk to different areas of the spillway.

Thanks again for looking and writing.

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i agree, the shot is REALLY cool! i'm very impressed you talked the geese into staying still for 1 second also ;) i love the soft water effect and the fact that you can see the geese clearly is double bonus.

how high of a f-stop does your camedia P&S go up to? i thought all the P&S only went to f8
meotter said:
how high of a f-stop does your camedia P&S go up to? i thought all the P&S only went to f8
The smallest aperature is f11. on this model Camedia c-3000
To see review on this model go to

This camera also has a wireless remote, which is handy for long exposures, or taking pictures that you want to be in.

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