Germany through my Camera !


TPF Noob!
Jun 5, 2006
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let me post few shots I took in germany.

In München, over Olympia Park hill.

Unfortunatly I didnt have a tripod. Schade !

Another photo that I like.
Please downsize these to a maximum of 800 pixels wide and reload them into Photobucket then to post new URLs into your thread, Karikalan. They are WAY to large in their original 2048X1536. No one can appreciate them, not even with their best of screens, like my 19" screen with the highest possible resolution.
And yes, a tripod is the next thing for you to put on your shopping list, I think. Night-photography is great fun, but if all the photos come out blurred from camera shake, they no longer are such great fun. But I guess I like the concept for Photo 2 that you had in mind when you saw that scene.
Oh. I am sorry. I will take care about it in future. can you tell me how do I reduce the size of the picture in windows qualitatively.
Thank you.
Well, depends one what post processing software you work with.
I have two different programmes. One says under "Image Size" something like "websize" "e-mail size" and something along the lines of "custom size", and it will reduce my photos to 640x480 pixel when I say "websize".
The other programme is an ancient old version of Photoshop, and with the help of Photoshop I can manually reduce my photos by clicking on "Image", then on the pull-down menu on "Image Size", and then I can change the original pixels to a 600 pixel wide (and 450 pixels high when the photos come from the Canon Powershot or 400 high when the photos come from the EOS 350D). Does it help you any?
There is a crapload of noise in those shots, you should reduce it in order to get better results.
I did it. finally I reduced the size of the picture using Picasa software. Let me add few snaps from Freiburg...
Der Marktplatz

Church tower in Freiburg

Modernbuidings blend with History.

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