Get Your Thrills


TPF Noob!
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Washington D.C. Metro Area
I took this with my point and shoot Nikon S3 this weekend.

I really like this photo! I've never had a chance. to ride a coaster like that... Just wondering, how come I don't see a contraption or something for the cars to connect to? Or is it merely just hanging on a rail? :meh:
Nice shot, tones and grain are very good

ElectricHarmony said:
---contraption or something for the cars to connect to? Or is it merely just hanging on a rail? :meh:
Contraption is on the cars not the rail that why you don't see it.
ElectricHarmony said:
I really like this photo! I've never had a chance. to ride a coaster like that... Just wondering, how come I don't see a contraption or something for the cars to connect to? Or is it merely just hanging on a rail? :meh:

The wheels on the cars hug the rails on the inside on both top/bottom of the rails. This is a old coaster. It's been at Kings Dominion in VA for over 10 years now.

MyCameraEye said:
The wheels on the cars hug the rails on the inside on both top/bottom of the rails. This is a old coaster. It's been at Kings Dominion in VA for over 10 years now.


Hmmm that kinda freaks me out :-P I hope they're VERY GOOD wheels. I think I'll stick to my never riding one plan :mrgreen:

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