gift for an aspiring photographer


TPF Noob!
Nov 28, 2007
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Hello photography enthusiasts! Nice forum you have here.

I am here because I'm trying to find a gift for my girlfriend. Ready for a different sort of question here than what you probably get?

A special lady and I have fallen in love this the Spring when the first flowers were budding, so did our love begin to blossom for each other (you can saw awwwwww here if you like). I soon learned that she is an aspiring photographer. She has at least some rather nice equipment as far as I can tell, though I'm admittedly pretty ignorant of that. She has studied photography and has some experience doing weddings and portraiture, etc.

But alas, she has been not been working on her hobby and passion for the art in a while. Oh, by the way, she has no real interest in moving to digital, she prefers the tangible aspects of working with and developing film. It's the whole art-form thing for her, which I appreciate. She recognizes that may limit her long-term prospects for working in photography too, but for now-prefers to stay in film because that's what she enjoys.

Anyway, as I mentioned, she has been preoccupied on other things over the past few years and has not worked much in photography, which leads me to my reason for this post. I think I would like to give her a Christmas gift that would inspire her to pick it back up. I don't want to get her a lens, lights, etc. First, I wouldn't know what to buy because I"m not sure what she wants/needs in that. And second, it's not all that romantic either. This is our first Christmas, and I want my gift to be pretty special, as I'm sure you could appreciate.

So, photography buffs, what would you suggest? What special photography-related gift could you imagine might be be good for me to give to my love this Christmas? Any and all creative ideas gratefully accepted and appreciated.

And Season's Greetings to all of you.
What sort of budget are you on?

oh, and awwwww.
You know what would be great?
You can get her a photography backpack that will hold her body with lens, extra lenses, and other well as a light lunch or something.
Then you can go on a hike together.

Or, you could also go on a complete photography trip. You could bring your camera as well if you have one, and you could show interest in trying to learn from her.

I don't know, but I think that would be very romantic sharing her love of the hobby like that. I know if my girlfriend wanted to go on a photo trip and while we were backpacking/camping out in the woods she asked me to teach her how to use her would be the sweetest thing in the world.

I don't know though if you're thinking that expensive...

If not....let us know.
Generic advice I give anyone who asks on a forum (Any forum, not just photographic) for gift ideas...


Everyone loves surprises, but the love of a surprise wears off quickly when you realise the gift is really un-needed or unwanted. For me, I love being asked what I need, or would like, and being given a rough budget.

Don't just say "Hey, whadda ya want for Christmas"... Sit down, talk about it, tell her you'd like to see her get involved again, as you know the enjoyment it brought her. Suggest ideas, such as the backpack idea above for photographic picnics, see what she thinks. Ask if there's anywhere she'd like to go for a romantic photographic weekend.

People will love you just as much, if not more for asking and getting something they really would like or need, as they will for being surprised by something they don't.

IMHO of course. :-)
You could buy her airfare some place to take pictures. Any girl love free plane tickets! :lol:

But on a serious note, I agree with the previous poster
Wow, some great ideas here - thanks! I thought about a photography book, and I think I'll look into that. I agree - books are great gifts. Love the backpack/trip/hike idea too, that's something I could maybe work on...which led me to wonder if their might be some nice photography exhibits around she might like to see...hmmm....

Oh, one thing I think I am going to give her is an old No. 2 Brownie camera I have that was left in an old house I used to own. She might like that, no? But it's just a little side thing, I want to do something a nicer and more meaningful than that. Budget? Hmmm, maybe $100-ish? I know, it's not much.

Anyway, thanks again. You've given me some food for thought and good ideas. Of course, I'll be glad to hear more if you want to keep them coming!
I'm all for a photography trip of some sort with a stocking stuffer to break the ice. It is something both of you can enjoy together as a couple. Ask her that you would like her to introduce you into her world of photography on the trip.... I know I get all excited whenever someone asks me to teach them a little.

My reason is because that is exactly what I would love to have myself. I work A LOT and the past year has been a tough adjustment. What free time I have is spent with my toddler at home... which is wonderful in of itself but I miss the time spent behind the camera. I have 100's of my son but that is pretty much it for the entire year. I wouldn't mind having just a short period of time to relax what I love to do...

of course this all depends on your budget...
Perhaps a nice stocking stuffer for the gal that likes to shoot film and develop it herself would be a new Holga. Less than $30.

Wow, a Holga...I had never heard of this. Google helped me out there. What a smashing idea! I found there is a book about it too. I bet she would really like that. I think this may be perfect - thank you!
I'm all for a photography trip of some sort with a stocking stuffer to break the ice. It is something both of you can enjoy together as a couple. Ask her that you would like her to introduce you into her world of photography on the trip.... I know I get all excited whenever someone asks me to teach them a little.

My reason is because that is exactly what I would love to have myself. I work A LOT and the past year has been a tough adjustment. What free time I have is spent with my toddler at home... which is wonderful in of itself but I miss the time spent behind the camera. I have 100's of my son but that is pretty much it for the entire year. I wouldn't mind having just a short period of time to relax what I love to do...

of course this all depends on your budget...

I'm all for that too. I love this idea. Completely. I could make up some sort of "Gift Certificate good for one photography trip" sort of fun thing to wrap up, along with the Holga stuff. This may be perfect.
I love the Holga idea.

Pick up a Holga, some 120 film B&W and color (she'll want to experiment) and one or both of the following books; ‘Plastic Cameras Toying with Creativity’ by Michelle Bates and ‘The World Through a Plastic Lens’. They also make some accessories to go along with the Holga. You should easily be able to spend that $100.

Do you know if she does develop her own film?
a frame...with nothing in it...i like finding pictures that suit frames
I love the Holga idea.

Pick up a Holga, some 120 film B&W and color (she'll want to experiment) and one or both of the following books; ‘Plastic Cameras Toying with Creativity’ by Michelle Bates and ‘The World Through a Plastic Lens’. They also make some accessories to go along with the Holga. You should easily be able to spend that $100.

Do you know if she does develop her own film?
Yes, I'm sure she does develop her own. I think that's part of what she likes about film as opposed to digital is doing the developing.

Thanks for the book ideas!

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