Gimp rez??


TPF Noob!
Mar 28, 2006
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sitting at the computer...
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Ok i am going to sound a little dumb here because i am new at this. I am taking pictures to use with my cardmaking. I want to make sure i have the right resoultion so when I send the file to be printed (i.e. 3x5 pictures) I can be sure that my pictures come out right. i am not sure if i am asking the question right, but i am pretty sure someone out there may kno what i am talking about. thanks
A good number to go by for photographic printing is 300dpi. I, personally, wouldn't go below 200dpi if I could help it in any way.
well... if my pics started at <insert#>x<insert#> and i changed the size or croped it, lets say to 600x752. sometimes the photo places do not print my whole picture because it is not the right size. Does that still ahve to do with DPI? Thanks
Here is a picture i am working on...

it is 367x178. Iwant to keep the pan. feel to it but ihave a feeling that it will either be croped or squished if a shop prints it for me. I want to make sure that I have the right numbers, if that is at all possible.
367x178, even at 300 dpi is VERY small, in fact, only 1.223 inches wide, by .593 inches high.

If you print something at a shop that is not a standard size (5x7, 8x10, etc..) you'll have to tell them what you want, and have them print it as is. This may require them to print with some white border showing, and you'll have to crop it off.

There is a relationship between DPI (which refers to how closely together the dots are printed) and the pixel resolution. If you have 300 pixels, and you pack them together at 300 dots (pixels) per inch, you'll get 1" across.

You want to size your photo to the correct dimensions for the print size you need.

For example, an 8x10" at 300 dpi would be 2400 x 3000 pixels. 2400 / 300 = 8, and 3000 / 300 = 10.

As far as cropping, you need to always size your photo before you go in, and make sure they know that you want an 8x12" for example, and not an 8x10, or whatever your size may be. They'll have to work with you.

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