Golden Gate Bridge


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2007
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San Francisco Bay Area
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I just got a new Pentax DA 16-45mm, so I took some time off from work to shoot a few pics of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and try out the new lens. I have to say I really like the new Pentax DA 16-45mm, it seems to work well with my K100D.




This is an HDR of 4 images

A view of San Francisco and the Bay Bridge from on the Golden Gate Bridge.
Oh maaaan, nicely done! I like them all, but the posing seal in #2 is especially nice.
Loved no's 2 and 3 the most, no. 2 the view is great and the little otter I think it is at the bottom adds to it.

No. 3 I like because it shows industry and architecture... poorly explained but I like it!
Thanks for the comments. I was lucky with the weather for my time off from work to take those shots. I still haven't figured out how that seal got up on that rock in #2, the sides of the rock look nearly vertical at the water line. But that seal seemed to enjoy the sunshine while he was there.
2, 3 and 5 get my vote! love the color in 2, the angle of 3 and the overall composition on 5
Nice pics, love no. 3 the best. BTW, isn't taking pictures of the bridge prohibited because of terrorist concerns?
i love #1 & #2, the HDR image doesn't look like a HDR at all, maybe u should play more with the exposure compensation a little more or blend 5 - 7 images

how make did u took for the HDR???
Nice pics, love no. 3 the best. BTW, isn't taking pictures of the bridge prohibited because of terrorist concerns?

Thanks for your comments.

When I was very near the bridge, almost directly under it actually, there was a policeman and a 'Bridge Patrol' police car there as well. I talked the the officer and he had no problems with people taking pictures of the bridge or of Fort Point, the brick building on the left in # 4. I guess I don't look like a terrorist!
it's kind of stupid to prohibit taking pictures of the GG now, anyways, millions of photos exist already of it

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