Gooooood Morning!!!


TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2005
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Well. This weekend was pretty chill. With the most excitement coming from Sunday evening. Which sucks cause now I'm tired. And a bit hung over.

Could be worse though, so GOOD MORNING!!!:mrgreen:
wow...... someone had a 'lucky' night with a lady maybe?!..... we got bank holiday monday over here, so were all having a great day off :mrgreen:
You're just
Had my arts festival in the chilliest April weather I've seen. Crowds were lighter and all the artists (including me) were griping about slow sales. It was supposed to pour yesterday afternoon, and it didn't - so load-out could have been much worse!

Of course it will be back in the 80's here by mid-week. :irked:

I'm not planning any more events for a while - between this festival and the rain-out in DC, I think I have bad weather karma these days. :lol:
It would have been far funnier had you not pointed out it was a joke.

My skin is thick Corry. I can handle a good joke.
bace said:
It would have been far funnier had you not pointed out it was a joke.

My skin is thick Corry. I can handle a good joke.

Yes, I know you can, but some people can mis-interpret things, so I prefer to stay on the safe side. :D
So you're a big girls blouse then.
Gooooooooooooooooooood night.
This 1st of May is over.
1sts-of-May are always a day off for everyone.
So it felt like Sunday.
And I feel the "Maibock"-beer that I`ve had.
So it is "Gooooooooooooooooood night" to all of you now from here :lol:

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