Grave thoughts


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2006
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Gravestones on a dull day prompted grave thoughts! For more info go to

looks like a large old cemetary, cool shot
This is actually very cool..I like the depths the stones give to the photo. I see a gravestone and ask myself who, what, where, and why? These were once people. I would love to do some etchings!
I say convert it to B&W and head over to the Dark Side. That is one NEAT shot!
Indeed, this in black and white would hand you a one way ticket to "The Darkside". :) Very interesting perspective and so much detail has been captured.
Interestingly I went down the black and white route with this shot first of all. The problem was the lack of contrast between the various parts due to the very flat lighting when I took the shot. I tried a number of software filters to try and give it more "bite", but eventually gave up! The small patches of grass and the different colours of the lichen seemed to offer more visual interest in colour.

Now, if there are any experts out there who can show me what I could have done to convert this into a great BW shot, I'd be grateful for the advice.

Regards, Tony
B/w will work best for that subject..i like the angel of the photo..
WNK said:
I say convert it to B&W and head over to the Dark Side. That is one NEAT shot!

:thumbup: ....... would be a nice idea!

However i do kinda agree with you tb2.... it does have interesting lichens and colours...... if you dont mind i could post a b+w version with 'bite', but im undecided as to whether it would do the origional capture justice :)
Very cool shot, tb2. From the way they're so close together, and tilted, and from the vantage point you took it, it's kinda like the gravestones are surrounding you.....Menacing? Or clamouring for your attention?
WNK said:
I say convert it to B&W and head over to the Dark Side. That is one NEAT shot!

I agree. Cool shot, and I think it would look better in B & W also.
Oh...come to the darkside for a visit too:lol:

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