Great sale on Canon Pro 100 printer - received this email now


Completely Counter-dependent
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Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
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gorgeous color prints - and essentially free.
I've had two of these bad boys, excellent printer. Crazy how cheap they're becoming.
Ha! I was JUST looking at that very ad, Lew, wondering whether it was worth it.
BUT--if I read the ad right, you have to actually pay about $300 up front, then you get $250 of it refunded, correct?
If that's the case, I'll have to wait; I have some possible pending surgery and can't afford to outlay extra money until I know whether that's going to happen, and what it's going to cost me.
Color prints are wonderful.
The rebate was instant when I got mine so that made it a no-brainer.
Used with the Canon Print Studio Pro - a free and incredibly useful printer plugin that loads in PS and LR, it makes glorious color prints.
I just got the same offer. So I did a search for reviews and found this at Imaging Resource:

Imaging Resource Printer Review: Canon Pro-100 Printer

It seems to get high praise.

Sean likes it. I think Lew has, or has had, at least one of them, and has given it high praise before. That's actually what I was trying to remember when I saw the offer, was whether it was the one he'd talked about before.
That's plenty enough endorsement for me!
Color prints are wonderful.
The rebate was instant when I got mine so that made it a no-brainer.
Used with the Canon Print Studio Pro - a free and incredibly useful printer plugin that loads in PS and LR, it makes glorious color prints.

Oh, well, if it's an instant rebate--I might just have to check that out!
I got one last time and it is quite big. The Canon rebate is super fast. It is like within 2 weeks after I mail the form, I got the rebate back via AE card.

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