TPF Noob!
Hey there,
I'm Michael. I live outside of Portland Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.
Shot film for a number of years and moved into the digital world about a year ago.
Am always looking for new ideas and ways to improve my photos.
Have enjoyed reading many of the posts here. I would like to ask a question about polarizing filters, but can't seem to find the place to do so.
Help with this would be appreciated.
Thanks much!
I'm Michael. I live outside of Portland Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.
Shot film for a number of years and moved into the digital world about a year ago.
Am always looking for new ideas and ways to improve my photos.
Have enjoyed reading many of the posts here. I would like to ask a question about polarizing filters, but can't seem to find the place to do so.
Help with this would be appreciated.
Thanks much!
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