Greetings from RVA


TPF Noob!
Jan 3, 2014
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Powhatan/Richmond, VA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

My name is Michael, I'm 20, and I live Richmond VA. I've owned a Nikon D5100 with the stock 18-55mm lens for a little over two years now, but I've never taken a photography course or really looked into anything about it. I love taking pictures, but recently I've wanted to start taking better pictures, you know?

Here's a few photos I've snapped over the years. By no means are they "good" or even "photography" they're just... pictures. lol

Anyway, I'm here to learn and be part of another great forum community!

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Welcome, great place to learn here. Nice shots
i grew up in Richmond, VA. went to Herndon Elementary.
Welcome, Michael!
Great series of shots, especially with a kit lens!

You'll learn a lot here but only if you ask questions!
I should also add, all of those were take without a tripod. I completely forgot about it before going to see the fireworks. I rested the camera on my car and kept is steady as I could, but I didn't expect them to come out as clear as they did.
Welcome to the site.
Welcome aboard Michael!

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