Greetings from shorts wearing Houston


TPF Noob!
Jan 6, 2011
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Today is shorts, next week it's back to winter.

At any rate just wanted to drop in and introduce myself; I've already picked up some tidbits lurking around. I just recently (11/2009) jumped into DSLR land with my previous background being (Quick edit, my DSLR is the D90 w/18-200, sigma 10-24 and Promote Control):

120 instamatic, 1972-1978, including *shudder* the 110 dust mote sized frame
Pentax K1000, 1978 - 80
OM-10 (with the shutter speed add on) 1980-1987
AE-1 & XG 11 (AE-1 for vacations, XG -11 for skydiving photography) w/50 & 28mm primes
Yashicamat TLR (but only used a few times).

My biggest ah-hah moment so far has been "expose to the right"...exactly opposite my film experience.

Hello everyone!
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Hey, here in Minnesota we have about 4 more months until we can wear shorts... Consider yourself lucky! :lol:
Sounds like Arkansas we range from in the 70's
To down in the 20's at night lol

Well welcome to the forum I'm new here also.
It has been an intense introduction but many people have helped me.
So I guess have fun.. if that's possible on a forum :)

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