Greetings from Trinidad


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi everyone.

I'm really new to this whole photography thing and thought I'd join a forum on the subject.

I've always taken pictures but never really looked at the photography of it.
Then my first digital had the portrait mode, landscape, etc. So I got a little interested.
My Dad got a Canon A720IS and it has all these manual options that have me intrigued.
I even got him to get a package with a 2.0x lens and a 0.5x lens. It even has some filters. Now I'm hoping to be able to learn about these things and use them properly.

Wish me luck guys.
I hope to learn from those of you more powerful than I. :hail:
Welcome to the Forum. I wish you the best. Can't wait to see some of your "future" pictures. I have a best friend (whose like a younger borther to me) & we take photos, go on road trips all the time. We get together & take experimental photos. It's fun & nice working with a partner!! Good luck!
Hello and Welcome, I'm sure you'll learn a lot here, I sure have. Can't wait to see some of your work.
Welecome to the forum, glad you joined us. We have a close friend that was born there and is working to re-introduce the Blue and Gold Macaw to the islands habitat. We have seen video of her work and the islands people and beauty. I look forward to seeing some of your work from your beautiful island.
Welcome aboard.

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