Well I'm finally back folks. And no, please don't ask for any pictures of my new apartment because *sniff* I don't...*sniffle*...I don't have a camera. :'( I've been using my parents' camera all this time, and I didn't take it with me when I moved. And unfortunately, it doesn't look like I will be getting a new one for probably a very long time. Several months at least. =\ So I guess I'll just have to find another hobby...ha, as if I have time for a hobby. lol.
As a quick update, I moved in almost two weeks ago, and the place is wonderful. It's classy, and well furnished, and my roommate and I have been keeping it really clean. Since then I've been working as much as possible, hoping to hit over 40 hours a week to make up for a couple days where I have doctor's appointments and the like. Life has been hectic and I feel like I haven't had a moment to really breathe, let alone have the fact that I'm living on my own, without my parents or my dog, sink in. Oy. But hey, I guess I'll just keep busy. That's the way to do it, right?
Anyway I will wrap it up because it's not like anyone actually read this far anyway.
I hope you guys are all doing well though! I've missed "e-hanging out" with all of you!
As a quick update, I moved in almost two weeks ago, and the place is wonderful. It's classy, and well furnished, and my roommate and I have been keeping it really clean. Since then I've been working as much as possible, hoping to hit over 40 hours a week to make up for a couple days where I have doctor's appointments and the like. Life has been hectic and I feel like I haven't had a moment to really breathe, let alone have the fact that I'm living on my own, without my parents or my dog, sink in. Oy. But hey, I guess I'll just keep busy. That's the way to do it, right?
Anyway I will wrap it up because it's not like anyone actually read this far anyway.