Hello all! Brand Spankin' New!


TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Florida for now, Manhattan in January!
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hey guys. My name is David and I'm brand new here. I look forward to meeting you all and giving as much as I can, as well as gaining some new knowledge as well!

I love a lot of music, anything from classic 30's-40s, to some grind, indie, post rock, 77, classic country, underground hip hop, and the list goes on and on.

I absolutely love design, technology, and seeing how people are incorporating the two as it moves as quickly as it does.

I'm canon and apple guy, but I believe a nikon and pc can do pretty much the same thing... basically just a different way of skinning the cat. So lets forget about all those fanboys, and just have fun.

I love to travel, drink coffee, fashion, typography, and all sorts of other nerdy thigns.

Here is a little bit of my background.

Went to school for Design, started working in a few studios as a grip. Worked with few established photographers, one in particular for 5 years, doing anything from food, to fashion, to architectural, to weddings. Afterwords I was mentored, and employed by canon explorer of light... all to get my feet on the ground for a move to Florida. I'm currently living here, but I'm moving to Manhattan around January to work as a grip in the fashion district. If all goes as planned, I hope to start gaining larger clients for my own photography, and not just being a grip. Though I love being a part of shoots, I really love when the camera is in MY hands. :)

There is a little bit about me, so go ahead, introduce yourself! I'm happy to be here! :D
Wow. I just realized no nudes? You have to be kidding me. This forum just completely lost my interest. 75% of my work could be considered NSFW. Nothing explicit, but from the sounds of it, according to a few mods here... The side of a single breast is considered NSFW. I was really looking forward to being here, showing my work, as well as looking at others and gaining knowledge from each other. Who knew that photography as an art form, or commercially had such censorship on a forum. Especially a forum dedicated to photography.
Great intro...I don't understand the nude thing either as long it's clearly marked in the title. Hope you continue to stick around. Sounds like you have a lot of knowledge to be shared.

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