Hello from Cleveland Ohio

Ash Telecaster

TPF Noob!
May 8, 2019
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Well, not exactly Cleveland. More like the far west suburbs!

I was the poor kid in the photography club who was stuck with grandpa's old German box camera... And got some amazing pictures!

We actually developed our film with chemicals in a dark room!

Times have changed.

For some reason, all these many years later, I suddenly got the photography bug. I really struggled with what to buy. I looked at the DSLR's and thought that was a lot to carry around if I wanted to bring it hiking. Plus, high school not really counting, I'm really new at this. So I thought I would get a mirror less. After some reading, lurking, and Youtubing, I decided to go with the Canon M50. I bought 4 lenses to get started.

I have to admit, I kind of felt like I did back in photo club when I took it down to the swamp to test it out and there were all these people carrying their Cannon sized Canons around. I swear a few of them had sherpas carrying gear.

I still had fun and honestly I thought the camera took some very nice photos.

Nice to join and looking forward to posting ignorant babble in the beginners thread!




Dandy Ridge.jpg
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I like your bird shot!

Welcome from the SW.
That bird was a ham! He posed for the shot. Must have thought I was the paparazzi!

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