hello, from Colorado


TPF Noob!
Jun 16, 2009
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Sarasota FL
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Hi, I'm Brian Sommers.. a real quick history of me..

wanted to go pro about 3 yrs ago. I had a D70s with alien bee light, etc. the more I got into it the more I hated it.. so I sold everything to get into digital art.. then I got burned out on that and I paint for real instead..

just recently got a D60 and love it and now that I'm not trying to go pro, its fun again.. besides I needed a faster camera besides a pns to take pictures of my dogs.

take care
Welcome, Brian! :)

What you meant exactly by saying you got burned when went into digital art?
I just got burned out on digital art and that is why I paint for "real" now..

for example.. suppose I want to create an interesting texture by laying down some fairly thick paint and then scrunching up some plastic wrap and then letting it dry and then pull it off, it looks really great.. well, what I was getting frustrated with digital art was always trying to convert those type of things into how to do them digitally.. it was just to much fuss for me.. I mean if I want that effect I just do it as I described, but in digital I have to set up my "brush" that will give me that same type effect and it's just to tedious, it is far easier to do that in reality then to try to simulate the effect digitally..

now I will still use painter x to try out some colors and see how they work together and use it to help me choose my color palette before I start painting..

sometimes I will take a photo of my art midway through and then digitally "paint" on top of it to see how a major change might look before I commit for real..

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