Help me choose....


TPF Noob!
May 15, 2007
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I need help deciding between these 2 images. Which should i use? The first one is feet from my girls. But it may be too much for a logo and watermark??
Are these for your logo ?

For me #3 works best. Visually, my favourite is #2, but i looked at it and couldn't figure out what it actually said (call me stupid ! :(). But yeah, some will find the edge of the heart forming part of the 'H' very inventive, but i just couldn't see it until i read one of the others, so yep, #3 gets my vote :)
Yes these are for my logo for my site. It is a childrens site. My worry is that the 3rd one loos too valentine-ee.. Maybe I willtry 3 with a different font?
Upon reflection #3 does look slightly 'valentine-ee'.

I really like the feet picture, and obviously the relevance is important, but images on logos tend not to be practical (depending on if you're using vector format or not).

I too think a different font on #2 (did you mean #2 ?) would be a good thing to try :)
i love the first has a delicate look that suits what you shoot, though i would reserve the picture for business cards alone and just use the nice lettering/caption for letterheads etc....
also like #2....but perhaps a slightly thinner font, cuz i find this one LOUD
Number two definately, it looks very professional but still fun and appealing.

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