Help! Used wrong Vivitar flash setting.


TPF Noob!
Jan 2, 2011
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I just took several rolls of film with the Vivitar 2800 flash, using the aperature setting for Blue mode. However, I then discoverd that the flash unit was set to Red mode.

Did I over or underexpose the film???
WTF is blue/red mode? Just process the film and let us know what happened.
According to the manual....

Film rated at ISO100.....
Blue mode = aperture set for f/4
Red mode = aperture set for f/2

I would say underexposed since the lens aperture would have been set to a smaller aperture and the flash was putting out light for a larger aperture.

Whether it's overexposed or underexposed, what will be your course of action? Are you processing these yourself?

WTF is blue/red mode?
Vivitar Auto-Thyristor flashes had typically used a color coding for setting aperture and range of the flash for a given ISO.
The legendary Vivitar 283 and 285HV flashes use Yellow, Red, Blue Purple modes.
According to the manual....

Film rated at ISO100.....
Blue mode = aperture set for f/4
Red mode = aperture set for f/2

I would say underexposed since the lens aperture would have been set to a smaller aperture and the flash was putting out light for a larger aperture.

Whether it's overexposed or underexposed, what will be your course of action? Are you processing these yourself?

WTF is blue/red mode?
Vivitar Auto-Thyristor flashes had typically used a color coding for setting aperture and range of the flash for a given ISO.
The legendary Vivitar 283 and 285HV flashes use Yellow, Red, Blue Purple modes.

Your reply was much more helpful than mine. Don't know if the OP will be back, but you deserve a thanks!

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