Help with choosing umbrella needed. Please advise.


TPF Noob!
Nov 30, 2013
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in a room with green walls
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I'm in the process of preparing to record some video. I have the camera, green screen, etc., ready to go. I, now, need a photo umbrella for dimming down my 105 watt 5500k light. I was thinking of just buying a 45 watt light but I think that would make my indoor scene a little too dark. Anyway, I found 2 black umbrella's that fit my needs.

However, one has a white backside and the other a gold backside. My question is which is better for dimming down or reflecting the light, so as to make less light?...The walls of the room I will be recording in are flat (unpainted) white walls found in most modern houses. The room is about 20 feet on all sides, so about 80 square feet. So which umbrella is best for dimming down the light? white backside or gold backside? Will the gold backside create a gold color cast when recording? Please advise.

I hope I made sense, there. Thank you. Appreciated. :)
Yes, gold will create a gold cast. Plain white will be the least reflective when compared to an umbrella with a metallic coating such as gold or silver.
Hi, freezeandsaycheese, and welcome to the forum.

Are you sure you need to dim the 105 Watt light? And if so, why do you say 45 watts will be too dark?

BTW: 20ft x 20ft = 400 square feet.
Thanks for the posts. I already ran a few tests, and the 105w light blows out the highlights quite a bit, thats why I was considering lowering the wattage, but I think the black umbrella is a better choice for what Im doing. Its near impossible to get detail back once its blown out, especially on a video. Its much easier to do a quick levels and fix a video thats too dark vs too bright, cause if its too dark I at least still have some detail to work with. Well anyway thanks for the posts. I think im gonna go with the umbrella with the white backside. Appreciated. :)

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