
TPF Noob!
Feb 28, 2006
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland
Hi guys,
I've been offered to do a wedding in august, I'm just wondering what equipment most of you guys use and lens. I'm also useing a 20d i'm a bit worried about the loud shutter noise on the 20d if that will be a problem ?

what sort of shots should i get?

thanks loads
If they want you to shoot the wedding I think they'll put up with your shutter noise :D ;)
I'll be shooting my first digi weddings with the 20D this season too; also using a Rebel XT (350D) for second cam. I recommend having 2 cameras; if one goes down and you dont have a backup....yer up the creek
allyv said:
what sort of shots should i get?

Shots that capture true passion, and immortalize the couple's once in a lifetime day. ;)

I can't imagine anyone complaining about the noise a 20D makes, but I have seen other posts with similar concerns. No one ever complained when I used a Pentax 6x7 or Hasselblad 500, and those are cannons compared to a DSLR. The mirror slap on a P67 will knock a skinny bride back a few feet. ;)
ksmattfish said:
Shots that capture true passion, and immortalize the couple's once in a lifetime day. ;)

I can't imagine anyone complaining about the noise a 20D makes, but I have seen other posts with similar concerns. No one ever complained when I used a Pentax 6x7 or Hasselblad 500, and those are cannons compared to a DSLR. The mirror slap on a P67 will knock a skinny bride back a few feet. ;)

Truer words were never spoken. The mirror slap on my Bronica makes their veils wave like there's a good strong breeze. :lol:
I use 20Ds for wedding work. I admit, they are loud during the hushed times of a wedding, but so far no one has gotten mad. :-)
thanks for all the help i will really need it as this being my first time doing anything BIG and me being so young aswell. I can't wait thought!:mrgreen:

p.s I'm thinking of buying a sigma 70-200 for the wedding good idea ?
allyv said:
thanks for all the help i will really need it as this being my first time doing anything BIG and me being so young aswell. I can't wait thought!:mrgreen:

p.s I'm thinking of buying a sigma 70-200 for the wedding good idea ?

I have that same lens, fast 2.8 aperture. It will work good in many situations, but take something like a 18-70, 28-70 range also. That Sigma lens is quit long also, with the lens hood on it might scare the bride, lol. Don't worry about the shutter noise, no one has ever noticed it or commented on it with me.
What do you have for flash?

What do you have for backup? You have to be prepared to carry on if any or all of you equipment malfunctions or breaks.

How much digital storage/how many cards do you have?

How many batteries do you have for the camera? flash?

These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself.

The standard advice for this situation is to decline to shoot the wedding. A wedding is (or should be) a once in a lifetime event. There is very little room for error and that is why a lot of people hire a professional to photograph their wedding. I don't know your level of experience...but make sure that the clients do.

That being said, if you are confident that you can do a good job, then go for it. :thumbsup:
allyv said:
thanks for all the help i will really need it as this being my first time doing anything BIG and me being so young aswell. I can't wait thought!:mrgreen:

p.s I'm thinking of buying a sigma 70-200 for the wedding good idea ?

I've got that lens. Fantastic for sports stuff, though still not in the caliber as Canon L-series lenses. We do use it at weddings, though its use is pretty limited because it's such a long lens. Typically Kelly has it on the tripod at the back getting the long-zoom shots of the rings, kiss, etc., then it goes in the bag for the rest of the day. It's just about useless with flash because even our 580EXs won't reach out to the limits of this lens. One of the best lenses we use at weddings is our 50mm f/1.8. The other is the 24mm f/2.8.
allyv said:
p.s I'm thinking of buying a sigma 70-200 for the wedding good idea ?

The only time I use a lens that long at a wedding is at catholic ceremonies when they say I can only take photos during the ceremony if I'm up in the balcony. I would recommend you make sure you have at least one fast (f/2.8 or faster) lens, and a powerful flash. I do carry a 50-200, but it stays in the bag. I like to use a f/2.8 18-50mm on one camera, and a f/1.8 85mm on the other (I'm using x1.6 DSLRs). I also carry a 50mm f/1.8, because at $70 there's just no excuse not too. ;)
We shoot with a 10D and a D70 along with a variety of lenses. I love the 70-200 2.8 so that I can get close ups of the ceremony and not be in the way. We have a TON of batteries for our flash and bring the charger to keep them up and running. I would say that the 50mm 1.8 and the 20mm get the most use during the reception.
If I were going to do it, I'd try to do a test shoot at the location...And, I would definitely let them know that I am by no means a professional. That way they can't get too angry if the shots don't end up looking how they planned.
JonK said:
I recommend having 2 cameras; if one goes down and you dont have a backup....yer up the creek
-Yeah, I was just about to mention that.

-I also second the suggestion for a 50mm.

-'Shutter noise' is an over exaggerated topic.
ksmattfish said:
No one ever complained when I used a Pentax 6x7 or Hasselblad 500, and those are cannons compared to a DSLR. The mirror slap on a P67 will knock a skinny bride back a few feet.
Couldn't have said it better! :)
Strongly suggest using a Stroboframe for your flash. It will keep the flash up where it's supposed to be and shadows would be minimal.

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