Hey from Jersey!


TPF Noob!
Feb 20, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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New to the photography realm but have always been around cameras from Yashika to Canon, Sony, Minolta and Nikon to name a few. I currently own a Alpha a580 which I picked up after growing out of an assortment of standard digital cameras. I only own the one kit lens but have experienced many different lenses. Carl Zeiss, sigma and Sony. I joined after continuous conversations on a car audio forum about photos I've take and needing some used lenses since the price tags are more manageable. He recommended I check this site out for more info and used lenses. So HELLO ALL!!! Point me in the right direction please. ;-)
welcome. Lots to learn around here. I used to be big into car audio until about 2 years ago I stopped installing and fell out of it.
Thanks guys. Yes I'm looking to learn.
Welcome to the forum.
Thanks. I was looking at your thread just earlier. I have a Sony and I actually just purchased a beercan lens for $140. Hope to get it before the week is done. Going to Myrtle Beach next week and need more than my 18-55. :-)

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