Hi from Texas


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2012
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Hi Ladies and Gents,

I am a college student here in Texas and I am starting my photography major at school! I am very excited, I have always been creative and I have also always had a natural eye for photography. I would love to hear all of you more experienced photographers to ciritique whatever that I may post, I have thick skin so be honest!
I love photography and appreciate every aspect of it, some of my favorite types of photography would be action/sports photography, landscape, and architectural things. But honestly I would like to take pictures of anything because there is beauty in everything!

I am excited to be a part of this forum, it seems like I will lean a lot from being a member and asking questions and having my photos critiqued by other people.

Thanks and Thanks for letting me into the PhotoForum.com friends!
Welcome to the forum Tom
Howdy from Lubbock. :D

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