Hi, I'm new and need help!


TPF Noob!
Jun 5, 2012
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Hi! (I'm new and hope I'm in the right thread.)
I am the proud owner of a slightly successful local photography business, but my main suit is wildlife and landscape photography. I have a Nikon D3000, an 18-55mm lens, a 55-200mm lens and I am about to order lots and lots of new gear...unless there is an overwhelmingly bad reaction to what I have selected. Here we go:

Opteka SB-1 Mini Universal Studio Soft Box Flash Diffuser
Neewer TT560 Flash Speedlite For Nikon DSLR
(Non related Bon Jovi items :)
Nikon 7072 Lens Pen Cleaning System
Rear Lens Caps
PLR Optics +1 +2 +4 +10 Close-Up Macro Fliter Set
PLR Optics High Resolution 3 Piece Filter Set (UV, Fluorescent, Polarizer)

I also have already ordered a remote, and a tripod

I am looking into lenses, and I can't afford a lot right now, but any helpful suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Also- you can see some of my work here- Madison Hoover - Fine Art
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You might be interested in the Nikon 40mm f/2.8 macro. After looking at the type of photos you like to take.
Makes a good prime normal lens and it can focus close. I have one and it is usually on my DX camera most of the time.
I would suggest the 35mm 1.8G instead of the 40mm 2.8 macro...its better all around lense for DX and it opens up to 1.8f. for low light use.

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