HI !


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hello !

My name is Justine and I'm French ! I really love take photographies and see photographies :)
I am still begginer into this world but I hope I can count on you to help me to progress ahah
Since I am a very little girl, I take photo alone and sometimes I share my pics with my entourage and they say I must share with other ahah so I'm here...

Bye !
Thank you, I don't doubt that you are freindly ahah :) Yes I will !
Thank you from the Atlantic French coast
Bienvenue sur le forum Justine. Nous attendons tous de voir vos photos a partir de l'autre cote de l'Atlantique. Je vis sur le bord de l'abime, bleu et merveilleux de l'ocean Pacifique.
Welcome, Justine!

Hope to see you around.

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