Hotel Rooms - ( lighting issues )


TPF Noob!
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I would like some advice on some issues in regards Hotel Room lighting.<br>I used a Hotel Room the other day and took load of images of my model and found the results not great and needed some correction using my free photo editing<br>software.&nbsp;&nbsp; In addition to the standard lighting in the room ( inc desk and standing lamp )<br>plus 2 bed lamps with an led ( I think ) reading/spot light I had 1 500W Halogen work light.<br>The images had mixed results,&nbsp;&nbsp; some ok, some good the rest had flaws, like areas of darkness,<br>shadow and some just a bit to warm ( yellow tinge ). 90% corrected by auto exposure in my photo editor.<br>One final thing I was also using my on camera flash ( not flashgun ).<br>ADVICE sought.<br><br>Am I right in thinking too many lights can clash even though on their own they are not that bright<br>and on camera flash is too weak.&nbsp; &nbsp; Also a Halogen is too bright and difficult to control properly. <br><br>Help.
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Welcome to the forum.

Firstly, you're using the wrong type of formatting for this type of forum.

As for your lighting, it sounds like you have all sorts of problems. Mixing light types isn't a good idea. Using the room lights/lamps, probably isn't the best for artistic photos. A halogen work light isn't great either. It's a small (hard) light source and it's very bright & hot. Being bright isn't really a problem, but it's a lot brighter than the other lights you're trying to use, which is a problem....and the heat just isn't nice to work with.

If you don't have any proper photographic lighting tools...just use window lighting.
Big Mike,

How do I get rid of this formatting code,

I did not type it, the message was spaced out and clear.
Suddenly all this code is in and the post is condensed.


What Mike said.

This site: Strobist has a lighting 101 section with a lot of great discussion about light theory for beginners. His stuff is geared around off camera flash with speedlights (because it's the most cost effective way to be in complete control of your lights), but the theory is worthwhile no matter what light source you end up with.
Big Mike,

How do I get rid of this formatting code,

I did not type it, the message was spaced out and clear.
Suddenly all this code is in and the post is condensed.



When you copy from another forum that uses that code the code gets copied even when you don't see it.

I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around what you are saying here. Let me summarize and see if I have got it right:
You got a hotel room to do a shoot but didn't have any lighting to use, so you used just the room lighting.
You shoot in a fully automatic mode using your on board flash
You aren't impressed with the outcome because of shadow and color and exposure issues.
Am I on the right track?

Tried to insert images but keep getting
this message.

1st 4 images are little snips from the room I shot in....

Afterward i will show some examples of the issues I faced...



All to this On camera flash CANON 450D, plus 1 500W work light
Well, I am not a PRO but I can tell we have more than one problem going on.

1 .How long have you had this camrea?
2. Are you using any flash? Tripod?
3. WB or gray card, focus problems?

All to this On camera flash CANON 450D, plus 1 500W work light

all the above images are just 4 photos cropped to show what was on in the hotel room.
each small cropped image blown up.

3 more from the shoot..........

A lot images focused ok, next images are one that showed the issues i am worried about
and also show photos that are ok

It might just be that I must except using mainly on camera flash just does not cut it, even with the Halogen work light 500w assisting.
I had the curtains drawn too, on ground level. Maybe a flashgun would have been better.




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