how long did it take you to get started?


TPF Noob!
Feb 9, 2009
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Another question for all you in-home family photographers: How long did it take you to get started with your business, how much business do you do and (if you don't mind my asking) how much money can you make?
I am taking 8-10 months to build the business infrastructure after taking 2 very intensive years of practice (including being a second for a pro wedding photographer for 4 weddings).

I would have to say that my focused practice shots are easily over 2 terrabytes of RAW only files and will continue to grow likely to well over 3 terrabytes before I feel I am ready to open in fall 2009. This is a small aspect that many new business owners forget (getting as good as you can get)... that and having a business plan.

If I wanted to start tomorrow, I would already have a clientele that would give me something between $1000-2000/month just playing on the side, but nothing is being sold or taken until everything is in place. Right now my consulting business gives me significantly more than that, so it will be a long time, if ever, that I would go into full time photography.

The business of photography has very little to do with pressing a shutter! ;)

How much money can one make? How much can one make in ANY business? Anywhere from zero to millions. The real question is... how good are you and what are you doing on the business end to differentiate yourself from the competition? In terms of making money, being good in business is more important than being a good photographer, though ideally one would want to be both.
I spent a decade studying photography before attempting to make it my profession. It took me several years of part time work to build up the word of mouth necessary to go full time. While I felt I knew a lot about photography, I knew (and still know) far less about running a business, advertising, etc.... I agree with Jerry (I know, it's a sign of the apocalypse ;) ), business skills are much more important to a photography business's success. Anyone should be able to learn to be a competent photographer fairly quickly if they apply themselves; it was easy 100 years ago, and it's only easier today. Running a business, particularly in the state the economy is now, is much more complicated.

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