How much am I worth?


TPF Noob!
Mar 17, 2017
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Looking at applying for a local clothing boutique photography job. This would be long term job. Need some advice on what to charge. I have been doing photography for around 6 years. I do senior sessions, family sessions, sports league photos, etc. Its not my full time job but looking to expand myself professionally. The job calls for photography and editing experience which I have.
What country are you in?

You have been doing retail photography.
This new job would be commercial photography.

Would you be shooting at their location and using their lighting and 'set'?
Or would you shoot in your studio using your gear?

Basically, you don't provide anywhere near enough information about the job for anyone to make an educated guess regards what you may be worth.

Here in the US, if you're employed as a photographer, rather than being an independent contractor, the employer can write the employment agreement so you are in a 'work for hire' situation and the clothing boutique would own the copyrights to whatever photographs you make.
In that type of employment they just pay you a salary or an hourly wage.

Not owning the copyrights pretty much eliminate any income potential of the images you make.
Looking at applying for a local clothing boutique photography job.
Another way to look at this if you haven't considered it yet is to set your target income level and divide by the number of hours this job entails. IOW: Say for instance your target income level is $100,000 per year. The clothing job is 1/4 of your time. Then you need to get $25,000 per year. Since you're self-employed, you need to pay certain costs yourself, but you can deduct business expenses from your income.

So $25,000 gross, less self-employment tax, insurance, overhead, equipment, travel, etc. leaving you with $x per year net.

For instance.
Depends on how much work there is, and how it will be used, and what kind of budget the boutique's owner has. Low-budget, small-shoot type stuff, like on the street look book shots done once a week would be worth (individually) less than say, a full spring collection shoot that has four models and takes four days and two additional people to shoot. Do you need to provid MUA and hair and clothing styling? Will the photos be used quickly and uploaded to Instagram, or printed in a local or regional newspaper that reaches 300,000 to 800,000 readers? Is the boutique a well-off, successful one, or small and a start-up?

The biggest threat these days comes from people willing to shoot for free. You say it's a long-term gig, so price according to all the factors you can think of.

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