

TPF Noob!
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Bradford, ONT
Just wanted to introduce myself. I just turned 16 about a week ago, I have been interested in photography for years and currently design websites through my site Mediasoldier. I was forwarded to this site by one of your veteran members duncanp.

I am excited to start participating in this community and just made my first gallery post here;

Thats all for now!
Hey Trevor! Welcome to TPF. It's always great to have another Canuck aboard! We secretly rule the forum. (*Shhh, don't tell anyone.*) BTW, I really like the pics you posted on that thread ^^. I look forward to more postings from you.
Thanks! And it is indeed good to see a few more fellow Canadians aboard here :D

I am really glad you like my photos. I see you live in Toronto, or the GTA area.

I live in Bradford, if you have ever heard of it. Right next to Newmarket.

Thanks for the welcome!
Trevor said:
I live in Bradford, if you have ever heard of it. Right next to Newmarket.
Course I've heard of it ( I see the cutoff from the 400 when I drive to Barrie). I was gonna ask where in Ontario you were from.
Welcome to the forum Trevor. sooo cool to see another canuck here. Im in Scarborough, but dont hold that against me. I dont own a gun.:lmao: Lookin forward to your schtuff
Welcome Trevor to TPF. I guess I'll be the first Yankee to say that. :D

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