I found a reeeally cool camera! One problem...


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2011
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... It never existed.

So here's what I know. It's branded a "Discovery Channel Store 3D Stereo Camera". Takes 35mm film. No model number anywhere on it. Basically, it exposes a binocular image on a single 35mm (similar to how the old half-frame cameras like the old Olympus PENs) for viewing in an included viewer, looks kinda like a plastic folding Viewmaster.

There is NO information about this thing ANYWHERE. Patent information on the back door gives me products that the patents were applied to, tons actually. But no info on this camera. Google searches only give me general stereoscopy history and Discovery Channel's plans with RED.

Now I'm actually typing this away on my phone. If you guys want pictures, I'm sure I can find a way to get some on here. But my question is...

Has anyone seen this? Or something like it? Do you have and/or use one? Does anyone have any tips or tricks for shooting stereo on 35mm? Also! I work in a photolab and have access to a wicked film scanner, so if anyone would like to see results I'd be more than happy to post some once I finish this roll.
Yes, pictures please! It sounds like a cheap, rebadged throw-away stereo camera. There were a lot of them that came out of China in the 80s/90s.
ttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v116/MA7_Hunter/99a1d8a1.jpg So apparently I need 5 posts to post an img. Here's a direct link. Just add the "h" on the http
to save others the effort:


Hmmm, not the one I was thinking of at all... This is NOT familiar. Sorry...
Oh, and here's the viewer the came with it

The best results you're going to get is if you shoot slide film, mount them in realist slides and view it in a viewer. You can find the stuff you need on ebay, looks like this:


I have a realist 35mm stereo camera and a "sputnik" medium format stereo camera. They're really cool. Medium format stereo slides are amazing!

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