I pulled a friggen boner today


TPF junkie!
May 10, 2007
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Slapamonkey, New York
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I went and began doing a shoot today photographing what turned out to be a much larger china set than anticipated (more like four complete sets with some added extra stuff). Wile I was doing this I went to unlock the framing hinge on the tripod to move from a horizontal frame to verticle frame and in doing so accidently unlocked the camera. My body and Canon 100mm macro just rolled off the tripod. Thank god for straps, otherwise I'd have a little more than some childish embarrassment to deal with.
LOL, I guess "pulling a boner" doesn't have the potential meaning in Slapamonkey as it does in my part of the world.

Glad your camera is o.k. Maybe use less "jelly in the palm" the next time...
LOL, I guess "pulling a boner" doesn't have the potential meaning in Slapamonkey as it does in my part of the world.

Glad your camera is o.k. Maybe use less "jelly in the palm" the next time...

Actually it does, that is why I have used that line for this kind of boanheaded move for years. People have a hard time calling me an idiot when they are choking back laughter at the blatent picture they just had pop into their head.
HAHAHAHAHAHH I was trying to figure out how you could masturbate when your camera nearly dies, but this all makes sense now.





idiot :-P
HAHAHAHAHAHH I was trying to figure out how you could masturbate when your camera nearly dies, but this all makes sense now.





idiot :-P

my reaction exactly XD
HAHAHAHAHAHH I was trying to figure out how you could masturbate when your camera nearly dies, but this all makes sense now.

Hmmm... I don't know... some people get off on the weirdest stuff these days... one never knows what that is... :lol: :lol:
A 100mm boner at that ... it all sucks man ... fortunately the camera didn't swing into the China.


During the process of deciding what lenses to use for this I had opted for the macro lens for a bit of versitility. It would give me the ability to stick with a single lens for the majority of the work that did include but was not limited to a couple macro shots of milkglass salt shakers and the like. I spent the most time debating on the 100mm macro or the 50mm macro. Right now I am glad I went with the 100mm, had it been the 50mm that could very well have been the result.

Another element of my being thankful it was a macro prime is the fact it's reccessed front element. when it fell the front of the lens hit the center post of the tripod, had it been a normal prime lens that front element would have been the first to hit, and my lens would likely be toast, especially with the weight of my gear.
A bull in a China Shop ... what can I say ... except "I'll buy you a beer..."


PS- Next time you're in a China shop ... let me know ... I just wanna hang around and watch.
A bull in a China Shop ... what can I say ... except "I'll buy you a beer..."


PS- Next time you're in a China shop ... let me know ... I just wanna hang around and watch.

:lmao: It did kinda feel like a china shop with all that glass, except for the baby trying to play with my glass.

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