I'm spending too much time here....


Flirtacious and Bodacious
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Feb 5, 2004
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North Central Illinois
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....I had multiple totally messed up dreams last night, all involving TPFers. I'd recount here what I can remember of them...but I can't. I'd be embarrassed all to hell.

But I will say that one involved MDowdey in a vegas showgirl type of a show, full of body paint and everything! :lol: But that's all I'll say. MAN they were messed up!
Unimaxium said:
Was I in any of them? Actually... I'm not sure if I really want to know...

Haha..I don't remember actually. I only remember a few that were like...the main characters.

One of which I'm not saying cuz that person will get an inflated ego! :lol:
I've only once had TPF in a dream, and that was two nights ago, and that dream also was absolutely crazy and I am not willing to talk about it (though it was harmless in its content, and all had to do with a big meet-up - how come, I wonder :scratch:? - but really big, conventionlike, in a big room with a stage to the left and many tables and loads of food ... am I beginning to tell you about it? Ooops: :taped sh: )
LaFoto said:
I've only once had TPF in a dream, and that was two nights ago, and that dream also was absolutely crazy and I am not willing to talk about it (though it was harmless in its content, and all had to do with a big meet-up - how come, I wonder :scratch:? - but really big, conventionlike, in a big room with a stage to the left and many tables and loads of food ... am I beginning to tell you about it? Ooops: :taped sh: )

I'VE HAD ONE JUST LIKE THAT!!! Only it's been a year or so since I've had it.
I had a TPF dream too... but it as very sad :( something bad happened to a few folks here... but on the next day I checked and everyone was fine :D thank God !!! :D
i've had tpf dreams too. i had a dream i was on chat and everyone kept telling me to shut up whever i said anything. lol. thank god that's not reality. :hug::
slickhare said:
i've had tpf dreams too. i had a dream i was on chat and everyone kept telling me to shut up whever i said anything. lol. thank god that's not reality. :hug::

We wouldn't do that to you!!!

You make us laugh too much! Bubbles.

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