image test


TPF Noob!
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
:shock: You mean you can't see it?

Oh, wait. You don't have enough privileges :lol:

LOL, the test worked...but I took down the image (it was a really bad one, but the only one available to try posting!) - but thanks for looking!!!!!
You mean there actually was an image there to start with?
I was only joking :lol:

LOL, yeah...I didn't want to post an image for cc and screw it up, lol - so I wanted to make sure I could do it first.:blushing:
Trying it first? What do you think this is? A test forum?

What was I thinking? Man, I have much to learn! Teach me, oh wise one...I am your willing student. :hail: LMAO :lmao:
I have my reputation - I just didn't want to ruin yours. Only moral reprobates (and strange ladies) associate with me :biggrin:

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