In the 'classroom' : rural schooling series


TPF Noob!
May 13, 2005
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Thanks for looking :)
Excellent shot mans, love the dof with the other child in the BG, great colours too..... your so good :thumbup: this one you've sold to the London school of eco?
Thanks a lot arch...nopes haven't sold it to them as such but this was shot on assignment of documenting their research on schools in the villages of Andhra Pradesh.
Beautiful shot! Love the comp and colors - I agree with Angel about the DOF too! :thumbup:
Wonderful shot Mansi. Love how you compose your photographs to the fullest. Just a perfecto shot !
Beautiful shot! Love the comp and colors - I agree with Angel about the DOF too! :thumbup:
Thanks a lot Linda :D

Wonderful shot Mansi. Love how you compose your photographs to the fullest. Just a perfecto shot !
... and thank you m@ko! :D
awesome capture mansi...really like this one from your lse shoots. excellent compo. Love the boys look and the other boy hard at work in the BG. :D great stuff!
hey thanks guys for all the wonderful comments! :D much appreciated
I already told you via MSN that I am totally in love with this photo, but why not tell you here once again? This cannot be praised enough!
What lights are there reflected in his eyes then? How come they form this kind of triangle?
thanks a lot corinna :D
well natural light ofcourse..other then that it was a sort of covered area so the traingular reflection is a result of the corner walls.
Thanks a lot again... appreciate it :)
thanks much Robert :D
^^^It's all been said already! Love the shot (compo, color, subject matter etc).

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