in the style of photoforum


TPF Noob!
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
Maple Grove, Quebec, Canada
I don't usually post many images at once, although I know it's popular here. Also, if there's ever a slight technical issue with an image, it gets nit-picked to death on some of the purist wildlife sites. It's a shame, cause a lot of stuff I shoot only gets seen by me and my wife on the ole' slide table. ;) BTW, no photoshop tricks on the first one, it really happenned.





Yes, it WOULD have been a shame if you had kept all these wonderful photos to only yourself and your wife, Scott! The world (i.e. TPF :biggrin: ) needs to and wants to see these!!! And more of the kind! Many more. Post away. This is the General Gallery. You can have some nitpicking if you want to and ask for it in the Critique Gallery, but here we mostly just enjoy what we see. And I am enjoying what I am seeing right now tremendously!

And I envy you: the only owls I have ever seen have either been shadows rushing by at night or those in cages of bird or wildlife parks. Never has any sat down on my tripod, posing for me! :shock: You are one lucky guy there!!!

And oh, those sweet backgrounds of the bird photos! Yes. I love the birds as such, too! Yes, very! That (American) robin in the early light is extra special.

And then the fox!
A fox.
Just so!
Looks like you met him on a cemetery?
I would have been way too excited to ever get my settings right in time!!!!
Thanks for the kind words, Corinna! THs two middle shots don't have special stories to go with them, but the first and last do.

THere was a great gray owl irruption in southern Quebec during the winter of 2004/5. I shot 20 rolls of slide film that winter trying to get good flight shots. Once I was trying to get flight shots hand-held with a small 300mm f4. I turned around after tracknig a bird in flight to see my discarded tripod being used as a perch. THese birds were VERY hungry and couldn't care less about humans -- they were not afraid of people, hence the easy close-ups.

When traveling by car through the HUGE Mount Royal Cemetary in Montreal, I saw what looked like a dog but turned out to be a red fox. I stopped the car and gave chase on foot, lugging the big 500 f4 along with me. I feared that a grieving individual was annoyed as he watched me run between the tombstones after this fox -- I relaxed when I saw him quickly open his trunk, pull out a big lens and joined me in my chase! THis was one of the few usable shots from what you might imagine was a difficult shoot. I had never seen a fox in the wild before.

I guess I don't have to ask if you used a tripod for your first shot :D

Great pics and I am extremely jealous... You have owls and foxes..I only have pigeons and squirrels.... :(
these are great shots Scott.. Some of us in here enjoy posting our series of shots from the days outing, this helps tell a story, and seems better then posting 1 shot threads and bumping a lot of folks off the front page., post away bud!
Oh Scott, I would be soooo ecstatic if I could get shots like these. The owl on the tripod is just amazing! - so clear, such a great expression on its face, and the humour of it alighting on your tripod. I love the compo, pose and colours of the bluebird. And that's a nice healthy looking fox ... glad you got his eyes in the shot as it really makes it for me. Well done, and thanks so much for sharing these.
great shots here scott, the first is just classic, such a great capture. i hope you continue to post more shots, these are all excellent... like anty, i would be thrilled to have any of these in my collection... :thumbup:

and good job chasing down the fox. i have only seen one in the wild myself, way before i was into photography. He was soooo quick - gone in a flash!

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