Inserting image question


TPF Noob!
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Tried the FAQ, but couldn't find the answer. I'm new.

In my first post where I inserted images, they were of good size with a message above saying "This image has bee resized..."

In my second post with images, they showed up much smaller with the pixel size and file size just below.

I cannot see what I did different between the two posts.

Anyway, how do I toggle between the two formats?

Many thanks! Lee
I think one you linked it to an image hosted somewhere else, and the other one hosted here.
The forum will resize both to make the forum experience more enjoyable so you don't see super big photo where you have to scroll.
I think one you linked it to an image hosted somewhere else, and the other one hosted here.

Hi Robin: Thanks, but in both cases I was simply uploading them from my computer. The only difference I know of is in the first set they were 1700x.... pixels and in the second set 1400x.... pixels. Lee
As mentioned TPF's forum software is set to certain limits, particularly for photos you upload from your computer.
There is the size of the photo in the post, and the size of the photo if it is clicked on to make it larger.
Photos uploaded from your computer have the pixel and files size info attached under the photo.

The "This photo has been "resized" only appears above photos that are hosted on another web site.

Also for photos that are hosted on another web site, at the top of a TPF page we can click on Forum Actions > General Settings > and scroll down to the Thread Display Options and set parameters in The Image Resizer section. I have the width set at 1000 and the height set at 700.
'The "This photo has been "resized" only appears above photos that are hosted on another web site.'

Many thanks, Keith. I set the resize option as you suggested. Still confused though -- I see the "This photo has been resized" message above my first post. But I have NO images stored on Photobucket or Flickr or any other sharing site. I uploaded the images as attachments from my computer so wonder if that has something to do with it. It's no big deal, I was just curious in trying to learn about TPF. Thanks again, Lee
I stand corrected.
I went and looked and see that the photos you posted are indeed attachments and not hosted elsewhere on the Internet.

i did notice they all have the long side at more than 1024 pixels, and likely a lot more than 1024 pixels because of the time they take to load.

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