
TPF Noob!
Oct 2, 2005
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Can others edit my Photos
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I have been playing with my camera for a while and learning new things here and there... Someone recently asked me what my ISO is..

I understand the ISO is the speed.. However, I have NO clue how to get the ISO or how to set etc...

can someone give me more details on how to set an ISO for better photos?
iso is basically how sensitive your camera sensor is to light. A low iso is good for daylight shots as it gives a crisper shot with minimal noise.... where as a high iso is good for low light situations, allowing more light to reach the sensor meaning you can have a faster shutter speed. The drawback tho to using a high iso is increased noise...... thats the jist of it anyway.... im sure you could get a better explination by googling it, there's lots of info on iso settings out there.
Check your camera's manual. Most digital cameras have a way to choose the ISO setting.
Ok, did a little searching. To change iso to the settings you want, you have to be in P, A, S, or M modes. In auto or any of the scene modes its locked out (shaded out or not there). It will be a menu function, and you use the arrow keys on the back in the menu to make the adjustments. It looks like its under the Rec menu but I can't verify it.
From the encyclopedia of useless information:

ISO stands for International Standards Organization. These are the same people who brought you ISO 9000.
The concept is to create a standard for weights, and measures but has developed out into virtually everything, including film. Ironically, ISO was the European answer to the ASA rating, and pretty much uses the same numbers for film speed and sensor sensitivity. Another number not to be overly concerned about but is in fact still used is the DIN number. DIN stands for: (from wikipedia) Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN, the German Institute for Standardization) is a German national organization for standardization. DIN and mini-DIN connectors are familiar to computer users all over the world, but DIN issues standards in any conceivable area.
This includes film.

The second part of your question can best be answered here:

I hope this helps.

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