It`s (Analog) Blackberry Season!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 20, 2021
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit the UK at least, summer may be almost over but there is always something to look forward to.
Was time for the F5 to get an airing today on a long walk.

Blackberry Season! by Tursiops, on Flickr / Nikon F5 / Sigma Art 24-105mm / Kodak Kodacolour 200
Nice shot bt I would taken the sky out ...
Thanks Jeff, I understand your comment and TBH I actually tried without and with it toned down but in the end I liked the contrast. I think your view will be the supported one though!
You going back there to pick a bag full when they ripen? Yum...
You going back there to pick a bag full when they ripen? Yum..
That's my wife's department, of course I'll give them a casual browse but she loves the more serious fruit foraging.

Very nice image! Now about that windmill... looks like a great subject for some photos... ;)
Haha, OK... Why do I get the feeling you know I've taken a recent one..... 🤔

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