It's been a long time...


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I'm sure most of you probably don't remember me. I was quite active here back in 2018 and a disappeared.

I wanted to come back because social media has kind of screwed me up and it's been a major setback for me. I'm on the verge of giving up photography and thought I should come back to this forum where I did learn a lot about photography rather than trying to get social media validation and maybe I can find my passion that I've lost.
welcome back. i have yet to find a decent fb group to learn from. there's a few that are ok to share photos with. but for the most part social media isn't the way to go unless you're using it to grow a brand.
Welcome back Nick. Sometimes a time away is good for the soul.
I find flickr a good place to view lots photos and post your own. Not much talking, but a lot of inspiration from others photos.
What type of photography do you enjoy the most? I'd like to see some of your current photos.
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Welcome! Glad you came back!

Social media can be rough, very full of unrealistic expectations. It comes down to the camera in your hands and just simple enjoyment in using it.

By all means, share your work with us and have fun with it. Validation comes from what you like to create, though of course it's nice to get attaboys when people like it, too. Finding that balance does matter, so you can enjoy an online community like this one without taking it too seriously. ;)

So keep posting and just have fun!
I'm sure most of you probably don't remember me. I was quite active here back in 2018 and a disappeared.

I wanted to come back because social media has kind of screwed me up and it's been a major setback for me. I'm on the verge of giving up photography and thought I should come back to this forum where I did learn a lot about photography rather than trying to get social media validation and maybe I can find my passion that I've lost.

Hey there, stranger, welcome back! Hang out with us for a while :)
Nice to have you back. I remember some fantastic images from you including one of my favorite leaf shots ever.

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